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$5 from each purchase donated to reelout arts project

Digital drawing. June, 2022.
In January of 2022 I broke my ankle, rather badly, while skating on Lake Ontario. The silver lining of this unfortunate event was that I finally had the time to learn a new skill – drawing digitally. While I was laid up in bed recovering and consoling myself with Procreate tutorials, more than a dozen US states were proposing legislation to limit discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.
As a child of the 70s I am well aware that the rights we have in North America are a result of decades of queer activism. Growing up I never thought I’d be able to get married, that we would see positive trans characters on mainstream TV, that my queer partner could be listed on our child’s birth certificate as the other parent. Now I’m watching in horror as society careens backwards, undoing the positive changes that so many of us have fought for.
“Say Gay” draws upon the hallmarks of queer activism. It is flamboyantly joyful, subversively cheeky, and full of pride, proclaiming loudly that we will continue to say queer, say trans, say gay, despite all efforts to the contrary.
Free downloads of the poster are available in my shop. Please distribute this poster in your neighbourhood, school, and workplace. For best results, print the posters through your local print shop.
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